It is important for you, as an agent to have an insurance agency website. A website makes you visible, credible, and professional. If you don’t have a website to sell your service, you’re relying strictly on door knocking, business cards, and referrals to keep you in business and completely neglecting the digital options in this digital age.
If you already have an insurance agency website, good job! I’m proud of you! If you don’t have one, that’s okay, but you should give us a call after you read this article.
Regardless of whether you have a website now, or you’re going to take advantage of a free consultation with S3 Marketing, I want to share with you the dos and the don’ts of insurance agent websites.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Insurance Broker Websites
Do: ensure your insurance website is mobile and tablet friendly. If you need to look something up and you’re in the store or on the move, what do you do? You take out your phone and try to find your answer. You don’t wait until you get home, find your computer, and then find the information you’re looking for. Since most consumers are doing web searches for your product on their mobile device, it only makes sense that your site is going to look nice on their phone. It can actually harm you to have a great website that isn’t attractive on a mobile device – as 53% of people will not recommend a business to another person if their site is ugly on the phone.
Don’t: bury essential information throughout your website. Your insurance website should answer three questions pretty much upon arrival on the home page.
Those three questions are as follows:
- Who are you?
- What are you selling?
- How can you be contacted?
You need to have the answers to these three questions easily accessible to your consumers. This information should be on the first page that loads upon entering your URL. Don’t make the prospect search and dig for this information.
Do: add reviews to your website. Do a little bit of bragging! You earned those reviews, why not show them off! Reviews act as testimonials, or social proof. Social proof is a HUGE deal. Many people will not buy from companies or businesses who don’t have reviews. A lot of people do trust the reviews of people they know, sure, but 70% of people will also trust reviews from people they have never even heard of. Reviews on your website can be a great way to build credibility with your new audience.
Don’t: overload your page with all of the information about you and your business. Websites are great because they can be ORGANIZED. All of the best insurance agent websites carry all of their essential information, but it isn’t all in one spot. There are features you can add to your website to make it easier to navigate. Use dropdown menus in the header of your website to act as a road map on how to get to the appropriate section the consumer is looking for.
When your website is PACKED with ALL the information on ONE page, your reader is not going to be able to find what they’re looking for. It’s also just ugly. 38% of people won’t even continue looking at your website if it is unattractive to them. So, your layout is important in more ways than one.
Do: make it easy for the reader to contact you. I did touch on this a bit earlier by saying you should make it clear how your audience can contact you, but this one is so important, I want to bring it up twice. There should be a very clear contact form on your insurance agency website. If it doesn’t make sense on your home page, you should have a very clear button somewhere that says ‘contact us’. People use the internet to connect with business because they don’t want to call, don’t make them call. Create a ‘contact us’ form, so your prospect can reach you without having to pick up the phone.
There’s a start for you! Some of the things that you should definitely do with your insurance website. As well as some things you should steer clear of. For those who don’t have an insurance website yet, stick around and keep reading… I might be able to help you out.
S3 Solutions specializes in insurance agency website design. We’ve created several insurance websites templates for you to choose from. So, you can choose a layout that both fits your taste AND the criteria listed above. All you need to do is provide us with your agency information, and we will do the rest of the work to deliver you a creative insurance agency website.
You need a website for your insurance agency, so let us help you. Reach out for a free consultation today!