Insurance Websites Studies show that a staggering 98 percent of consumers will steer clear of a company if their website contains incorrect or incomplete content. Despite this, numerous insurance agent websites are hopelessly outdated or fail to contain the proper SEO needed to show up in a Google search. Even worse, 36 percent of small businesses, including insurances agencies, don’t have a website at all.
Whether you need to upgrade to one of the more modern insurance websites or you’re starting from scratch, it’s essential to work with a designer who truly understands your business. Fortunately, that’s exactly what we offer! Our insurance website designs come from a professional marketing team that’s run by someone who also owns an independent insurance agency. In other words, you won’t have to worry about explaining your industry’s needs to a designer with no insurance experience.
Benefits Enjoyed by the Top Insurance Agency Websites
You don’t have to be part of a major agency to experience the many benefits of the best insurance websites. In fact, independent agents can compete with their local mega agencies as long as they utilize all the tools at their disposal. We’ll get into SEO techniques and other vital setup factors later on in this article. For now, let’s take a closer look at the perks associated with a well-built site.
1. Boosts Consumer Confidence – Making people feel confident in your ability to deliver quality insurance is a major hurdle that every agent has to overcome. With 87 percent of all shoppers looking up services and products online before making a final decision, it’s become imperative to have a strong website. Combining an insurance agent website with a social media presence will help consumers feel more confident about working with you.
2. Provides a More Affordable Form of Advertising – If your current insurance agency website looks like a brochure or an outdated site from the late 1990s, it’s going to instantly turn people off. Rather than helping you land more clients, these clunky, yet overly simplified sites can actually shake consumer confidence.
By upgrading to a modern look, you’ll not only keep a prospect’s attention for much longer but you’ll also benefit from one of the cheapest forms of online advertising. That’s right; even when you factor in the cost of an insurance website builder, you’ll still save money over more traditional forms of marketing such as running regular ads in your local paper. Even better, many more people will see your website than a print ad, as long as you ensure that the SEO is up to speed.
3. Makes Life Easier for Your Prospects and Clients – The internet gives consumers the ability to look at your website 24/7, 365 days a year. This added convenience will often lead to a prospect reaching out for a quote rather than passing you by altogether. In today’s uncertain times, when in-office staffing is often extremely limited, it’s more important than ever to give prospects and clients a resource they can visit for information when they cannot immediately connect with you. Make sure to have your contact email available on the site, along with a tool they can use to request a quote or even receive an instant quote.
4. Saves You a Lot of Time – In sales, we’re often taught that we should be able to convert anyone. But the reality is that there will always be people who won’t be able to afford even your cheapest policies. Additionally, some people will have their own built-in bias that will make them pass you over for something as simple as your first name. There’s little you can do to change this, but you can save a lot of time by letting completely unqualified prospects eliminate themselves via the info presented on your insurance agent website.
What Makes the Best Insurance Agency Websites Work?
There are many factors that go into making a good website. We’ve already established that the brochure look is outdated, but what do insurance websites need to do to be successful?
1. Eye-Catching and Easy to Read – When someone starts looking through insurance agency websites, they’re going to be interested in finding a great price and reliable information. However, if you don’t present this info in an easy to read format, you might as well send them a personal invite to competitive insurance websites for agents in the nearby area. After all, studies have found that 75 percent of consumers will base their entire impression of a company on their website’s appearance.
Ideally, you’ll combine the colors and logo of your company with an eye-pleasing font that can be read on any desktop or mobile device. This will help you build brand awareness, and it’ll also make consumers more likely to stick around long enough to ask for a quote.
2. A Responsive, Quick-Loading Design – Your site needs to load quickly, and it’s best to use a responsive design that looks great on mobile devices. The best independent insurance agency websites are built to maximize load times, and every second counts. It may sound like the very height of impatience, but 40 percent of consumers will leave your site if it hasn’t fully loaded within three seconds. Every additional second that passes drops your conversion rate by another 7 percent. In other words, if your site takes five seconds to load, you’ll lose the ability to convert 54 percent of visitors.
Again, this is where sleek, modern insurance website templates make a huge difference. With a fast-loading design and the right overall look, your odds of building a large client list will shoot way up. Keep in mind that most people will stick around for at least two seconds of loading time. If you can deliver what they expect from your site, you’ll have already won a tremendous battle against the clock.
3. An Uncluttered Menu – The menu used on responsive websites for insurance agencies will allow the prospect to click on their desired information and be instantly taken to the right part of the scrolling page. Even if you don’t have a lot of text on your homepage, don’t expect people to spend more than a few seconds looking for something. Instead, build an uncluttered top menu that has the most critical components, including ‘Contact Us’ and ‘Request a Quote.’ Remember: the easier you make it, the more likely people are to actually follow through with one of these menu prompts.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Insurance Agency Website Design
Even the world’s most beautiful websites for insurance brokers and agents won’t do much for you without the proper optimization. That’s another prime benefit that you’ll receive by working with our company. We know exactly how to setup insurance broker websites that will successfully generate leads for your company or independent business.
1. SEO and Strong Content Remain Vital – Every year, someone writes an article asking whether time-tested tools such as search engine optimization (SEO) and content writing are still viable. The answer is always a resounding yes. Unfortunately, that’s where many agents and insurance brokerage websites fail. You simply cannot toss together an effective site without carefully considering the written content, along with how this content will incorporate SEO.
One thing that does change over time is the definition of proper SEO. Therefore, if you had a site built five years ago and haven’t touched it since, you’re very likely to be missing out on lots of prospects. We know the very latest SEO techniques to utilize for the highest possible Google search ranking. We’ve also built numerous insurance agency websites and templates that are designed to help you get the best overall results.
2. Strong Insurance Websites and Templates are Error Free – Errors on the front and back end can send people running from your site. In one industry survey, Search Engine Land discovered that up to 15 percent of consumers will avoid local companies that have spelling errors and other content issues. You also run the risk of losing 9 percent of prospects due to coding errors and another 7 percent simply because the website looks outdated or ugly.
Insurance Websites with Design Expertise
Now that you know what makes an insurance agency or brokerage site stand out, it’s time to make some critical changes. There’s no good reason to let an outdated, slow-loading or poorly formatted website reduce your leads and conversions. If you need help, look no further than our professional team of insurance agency websites and designs team.
Our background in marketing ensures the SEO and setup pieces of your site will work well with Google. When you combine that with our owner’s personal experience as the owner of an independent insurance agency, you can rest assured that we’ll understand exactly what you’re looking for in your new or updated website. Contact us today for more details!